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Meet Peppermint Cacao

1725 mg adaptogens that taste like a healthy peppermint hot chocolate and help you deal with holiday stress, while being a tasty treat?!? Add Crème de la Creamer, coconut sugar & top with whipped cream if you really want the flarmucks vibe (your secret is safe with us). 🤫 🤐 With aromatic peppermint and tulsi, and 20% more cacao than our Cacao blend, enlivening adaptogen Gynostemma, and joy-boosting Sceletium, this blend tastes as holiday-cheery as it is for your body. ❤️ 🤍


Peppermint Cacao Ingredients

Roasted Cacao*, Roasted Date Seed*, Roasted Chicory*, Roasted Burdock*, Vanilla*, Licorice, Lo Han Guo, Peppermint Oil (Sunflower oil & Peppermint oil)*, Peppermint Leaf*, Tulsi Extract*, Gynostemma Extract*, Sceletium Extract (Zembrin®), <1% Cassava Dextrin* & Maltodextrin


*All certified organic, non-GMO, obsessively sustainable, ✨🌿 & blessed by grassfed unicorns 🦄 **
**Unicorns have not been approved by the FDA

Peppermint Cacao Rasa

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